Mobi Wifi Viewer
This application is able to manage Mobi-I operation ( Mobi Wifi ) and check the images by remote control. Also, product setting can be changed by using this application.
Mobi-I product is essential for operation.
Remote control and viewer functions are as blow.
- Set-up
This can control and manage Mobi-I(Black Box) by remote control.
- Information
Display the version of Mobi-I application
- Live view
This is a live view function making it possible to view, through a smart phone with Wifi, the video image being currently recorded in a micro SD memory card
-Play Video
* ‘Video images saved in a smart phone': The images downloaded to a smart phone will be played.
* Video images saved in the Blackbox' : You can play the images saved in the micro SD memory card of the Blackbox . If images saved have GPS data, you can check moving path through GPS linked map.
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